What is ISO?
ISO is a non-Governmental organisation that comprises 162 national standards bodies.
What does this mean?
The 162 national standards bodies forming one independent organisation means that a vast collection of experts share knowledge, developments and other relevant information regarding international standards that support innovation & provide answers to global questions.
Where is ISO based?
ISO is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Being a global network, ISO has Principal Officers in various countries, such as China, Canada, U.K, The Netherlands, Australia and many more.
Main ISO initiatives
- The development of International Standards across a variety of areas/organisations
- Drafting, reviewing, voting and publishing thousands of guideline documents
- Raising awareness of standards and standardisation
- Working alongside other organisations such as the IEC and the ITU, to create ‘World Standards Day’.
- Engaging with the public through the ISO Consumer Committee
- Teaching of standardisation, through the Joint Masters program.
- Training ISO members
What type of standards does ISO deal with?
ISO deals with thousands of standards, some of which help facilitate international trade. The main goal of these standards is to make things work, ensuring quality, safety and efficiency at all times.
Over time, ISO has published over 21,839 International Standards, covering almost every industry, from food safety to healthcare, technology and agriculture. These standards impact almost everyone, in every location.
To find out more about ISO, and how your business could get involved, contact ISO via their website: https://www.iso.org/home.html