There’s one important aspect we ask of you – As a prospective Buyer, please be professional, discrete and respect the confidentiality of the Business you are investigating.
Be aware that selling a business is a vulnerable time for a business owner because staff, suppliers and clients can become somewhat unsettled on learning that a business is for sale. It has the potential to cause inconvenience to the business.
Professionalism in buying is respecting this, hence we ask for your co-operation in treating a business owner’s right to having information treated confidentially. Confidentiality may mean being unable to meet or talk to the business’s staff, suppliers or clients until the offer is close to being “unconditional”.
Imagine you have owned a business for five years and are asking GMO to market for you. You will expect GMO to be discrete and to manage the release of information carefully on your behalf.
That is why we believe you will understand why we will ask you now to sign a confidentiality form, so our seller will be confident you and he/she are having a private dialogue on his business affairs and your private business aspirations!