Market leading Western Australian manufacturing and supplier of repetitive non-technical essential products. Given the nature and product type, competition from overseas and eastern states suppliers is extremely limited and prohibitive. The operation originated in Perth in the Mid 1950’s and has only had two owners in this time.
Risk is limited by the cross section and diverse range of products and industries the business services.
Some of the industries the business caters for include:
Product & Equipment Manufacturers
Mining, Oil & Gas companies, and their maintenance/service providers
Logistics and Freight companies
Plus, a small amount of private custom made or special orders.
An excellent workforce is currently in place including a management structure comprising of Operations Manager, Sales Manager and Production Manager and all accreditation requirements are in place.
- Developed contacts within key markets.
- Established, well developed internal processes.
- Superior before and after sale service.
- Customisation of client’s requirements when needed.
- Secure and skilled workforce and management.
- Business not reliant on any single customer.
Increasing annual sales, with revenue in 2023 of $5,655,000 million dollars.
Asking Price: $2,950,000 inclusive of plant, equipment, motor vehicles and stock.
Please contact listing broker Tony Batista on 0419 191 066 or
to arrange a confidential meeting and discussion.